Rick (Richard) Carlo
No question about it...I had a FANTASTIC time at the 35 Year Reunion! It was great to see all my old friends, buddies and classmates. And, I have to say that many of the ladies looked every bit as good now as they did back in 1977 (I hope my wife doesn't kill me for saying that. LOL!). In fact, the event was so good it was actually like being back in high school (if only for one night).
Kudos to the Reunion Committee for organizing the event (LOUD APPLAUSE, hugs and high-5's all around). The venue, food and DJ were excellent! Oh, and the open bar was a nice feature, too. I had such a good time that I made a donation to help maintain the WHHS '77 website and hope others will as well. I thinks it's safe to say, A GREAT TIME was had by all. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing everyone again at the summer picnic on August 4th.
Take care and good health to everyone, Rick